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Philips N5758 for sale

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Greetings mfbfreaks,

i found this site a couple of yeas ago. The info on the main page helped me learn about my Philips hifi rack especially my beloved pair of MFB 22AH587s. Now iam about to sell a part of my rack: Tapedeck N5758. I'd like to give that to someone who cares. Sorry if i posted this in the wrong section?

To the N5758: It was not used for about 15 years, left unplugged inside the rack. Comes with 2 original service manuals. Outside in excellent condition, no scratches, all lights working. Tried it, seems to work propper. Has never seen smokers!
U will get a small Philips radio as a bonus. Fully functional, but from time to time it maks noises when the time charts flip. Maybe u wanna fix it.

reguest: i know from magizines i found here, that there must be at least two versions of a rack board. I own the "high Tower". Anyone an idea where to get the "small Tower version"? The one here: 0">
Peter from Dortmund (Ger)

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Deelgenomen: 13 jaar geleden
Berichten: 2

Beste verkoper.
Ik heb wel zin in deze uitdaging.
Ik denk, dat ik het apparaat wel weer aan 't werken kan krijgen, maar dat gaat een beetje wintertijd kosten.
Kan ik hem van u overnemen ?
Kunt u mij mededelen, voor welk bedrag hij van eigenaar mag verwisselen ?

Bij gelegenheid houd ik u op de hoogte van de vorderingen.

Vriendelijke groet,

New Member
Deelgenomen: 13 jaar geleden
Berichten: 2

Dear PeterH,
Ik just found your article about the Philips Cassettedeck this afternoon.
I alteady replied to you in Dutch, though I do not know, witch languedge you can read or write.
So ik put the samen text again in English for you.

I am also a newbe on this forum, but I can look back on a 35 years of experience in Audio myself.
Today I am revising an Old Philips 22AHx80 set for myself, from witch te deck is missing.
Probably you can provide me of an nice apparatus, were I can put in all my effort to make it work
properly again.
So please contact me, and inform me about the price, for making it change of ownership.
When I have completed the task of repairing, this wintertime, I will inform you about the situation as well.
So please contact me.

Kind regards,
Hans Splinter, Arnhem, the Netherlands

Active Member
Deelgenomen: 20 jaar geleden
Berichten: 6

Goedenavond Hans Splinter,

Ik zou het cassettedeck N5758 graag overnemen. Ik weet niet of het nog te koop is, maar anders graag. Ik kan er mijn 180 serie set mee completeren.

Ik hoor het graag.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Hans Jesse tel 06-48959559
