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Ayreon op MFB

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Deelgenomen: 20 jaar geleden
Berichten: 190
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Voor liefhebbers van wat complexere muziek, luister eens naar de Nederlandse artiest Arjen Anthony Lucassen die onder de naam Ayreon al een tijdje wat produceerd en recentelijk het album 'The Human Equation' heeft uitgebracht.

Dit album is ontzettend veelzijdig, met heel veel verschillende stijlen door elkaar gevlochten. Psychedelische orgels, dan weer opera-achtige zang, dan ineens metal om weer over te gaan in iets wat lijkt op Ierse volksmuziek.

Het album is opgebouwd uit 20 nummers, Day One tot Day Twenty en elk met hun eigen stijl. Eigenlijk geen idee waarom ik dit hier typ maar ik dacht misschien kan ik iemand aansteken ook eens Ayreon op zijn MFB's te zetten.

Ik ga weer lekker verder luisteren πŸ™‚


Estimable Member
Deelgenomen: 20 jaar geleden
Berichten: 226

geluids en productietechnisch enzo is Ayreon natuurlijk erg spectaculair, om niet te zeggen sensationeel, maar om zn muziek nou complex te noemen dat gaat wat ver.

De nummers zijn afwisselend en met veel overgangen enzo maar het is een aaneenrijging van cliche's.

Het album wat je noemt ken ik nog niet maar ik ken wel zn eerdere albums.

In de hele symfo wereld is het momenteel wat mij betreft 1 grote malaise met veel flauwekul muziek. M.a.w het genre is over en sluiten.

Luister maar eens naar Relayer of Going for the One van Yes ... daar zitten wel complexe stukken tussen. Die platen representeren zo'n beetje de grens wat in de symfo/prog rock is bereikt en het is al heel erg oud...

Estimable Member
Deelgenomen: 20 jaar geleden
Berichten: 190
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Cool zal eens kijken of ik die ergens te pakken kan krijgen!


Honorable Member
Deelgenomen: 20 jaar geleden
Berichten: 563

Ik heb even "ayreon" ingeklopt bij de zoekengine van easynews (binairy usenet server). Het is natuurlijk slechts mp3 maar misschien net genoeg om de smaak te pakken te krijgen.

oshaffyrepost"Ayreon - Day .PAR2" yEnc (*/1) [par viewer] 24-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 6.11k
oshaffyrepost"Ayreon - Day .vol31+5.PAR2" yEnc (*/6) [par viewer] 24-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 1.85m
oshaffyrepost"Ayreon - Day .vol21+5.PAR2" yEnc (*/6) [par viewer] 24-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 1.85m
oshaffyrepost"Ayreon - Day .vol00+6.PAR2" yEnc (*/7) [par viewer] 24-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 2.22m
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Eleven- Leading to Day Twelve.mp3" yEnc (1/1) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 152.91k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Four- Leading to Day Twelve.mp3" yEnc (1/1) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 73.53k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day .vol17+1.PAR2" yEnc (1/2) [par viewer] 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 383.68k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day .vol08+2.PAR2" yEnc (1/3) [par viewer] 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 767.28k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day .vol06+2.PAR2" yEnc (1/3) [par viewer] 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 767.28k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Seven- Leading to Day Twelve.mp3" yEnc (1/1) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 57.8k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Eight- Leading to Day Twelve.mp3" yEnc (1/1) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 66.64k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Nine- Leading to Day Twelve.mp3" yEnc (1/1) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 69.38k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day .vol04+2.PAR2" yEnc (1/3) [par viewer] 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 767.28k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Twelve- Trauma.mp3" yEnc (01/31) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 10.46m
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Seventeen- Accident-.mp3" yEnc (01/19) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 6.19m
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Thirteen- Sign.mp3" yEnc (01/17) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 5.5m
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day six- Childhood.mp3" yEnc (01/17) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 5.73m
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day ten- Memories.mp3" yEnc (01/14) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 4.65m
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day .vol10+2.PAR2" yEnc (1/3) [par viewer] 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 767.28k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day .PAR2" yEnc (1/1) [par viewer] 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 8.61k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Five- Leading to Day Twelve.mp3" yEnc (1/1) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 65.79k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day three- Pain.mp3" yEnc (01/17) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 5.73m
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Twenty- Confrontation.mp3" yEnc (01/25) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 8.24m
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Two- Leading to Day Twelve.mp3" yEnc (1/1) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 69.66k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day two- Isolation.mp3" yEnc (01/31) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 10.36m
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Eighteen- Realization.mp3" yEnc (01/16) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 5.43m
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day .vol14+2.PAR2" yEnc (1/3) [par viewer] 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 767.28k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Fourteen- Pride.mp3" yEnc (01/17) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 5.73m
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day .vol16+1.PAR2" yEnc (1/2) [par viewer] 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 383.68k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day .vol12+2.PAR2" yEnc (1/3) [par viewer] 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 767.28k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day .vol02+2.PAR2" yEnc (1/3) [par viewer] 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 767.28k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Fifteen- Betrayal.mp3" yEnc (01/18) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 5.97m
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Sixteen- Loser.mp3" yEnc (01/18) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 5.83m
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Nineteen- Disclosure.mp3" yEnc (01/17) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 5.58m
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Six- Leading to Day Twelve.mp3" yEnc (1/1) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 55.57k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Three- Leading to Day Twelve.mp3" yEnc (1/1) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 68.39k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day One- Leading to Day Twelve.mp3" yEnc (1/1) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 66.18k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day Ten- Leading to Day Twelve.mp3" yEnc (1/1) 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 72.08k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day .vol00+2.PAR2" yEnc (1/3) [par viewer] 23-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 767.28k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day .vol12+2.PAR2" yEnc (*/3) [par viewer] 22-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 762.27k
oshaffypost"Ayreon - Day seven- Hope.mp3" yEnc (*/10) 22-JUN-04 alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s 3.31m
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 covers FTD 202525 - 04/21 - "Ayreon - The Human Equation (Cover Inlay).jpg" yEnc (1/2) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 634.18k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 covers FTD 202525 - 03/21 - "Ayreon - The Human Equation (Cover Credits).jpg" yEnc (1/2) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 620.93k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 covers FTD 202525 - 07/21 - "Ayreon - The Human Equation (Cover Day 03 & 04).jpg" yEnc (1/2) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 647.32k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 covers FTD 202525 - 08/21 - "Ayreon - The Human Equation (Cover Day 05 & 06).jpg" yEnc (1/2) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 618.64k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 covers FTD 202525 - 09/21 - "Ayreon - The Human Equation (Cover Day 07, 08 & 09).jpg" yEnc (1/3) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 803.67k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 covers FTD 202525 - 11/21 - "Ayreon - The Human Equation (Cover Day 12 & 13).jpg" yEnc (1/2) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 652.38k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 covers FTD 202525 - 06/21 - "Ayreon - The Human Equation (Cover Day 01 & 02).jpg" yEnc (1/2) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 528.26k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 covers FTD 202525 - 15/21 - "Ayreon - The Human Equation (Cover Day 20 & Characters).jpg" yEnc (1/2) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 617.78k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 covers FTD 202525 - 17/21 - "Ayreon - The Human Equation (Covers).vol0+1.PAR2" yEnc (1/2) [par viewer] 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 379.74k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 covers FTD 202525 - 01/21 - "Ayreon - The Human Equation (Cover Back).jpg" yEnc (1/3) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 775.52k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 covers FTD 202525 - 12/21 - "Ayreon - The Human Equation (Cover Day 14 & 15).jpg" yEnc (1/2) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 657.03k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 covers FTD 202525 - 20/21 - "Ayreon - The Human Equation (Covers).vol4+3.PAR2" yEnc (1/4) [par viewer] 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 1.11m
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 covers FTD 202525 - 18/21 - "Ayreon - The Human Equation (Covers).vol1+1.PAR2" yEnc (1/2) [par viewer] 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 379.74k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 covers FTD 202525 - 10/21 - "Ayreon - The Human Equation (Cover Day 10 & 11).jpg" yEnc (1/3) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 905.01k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 covers FTD 202525 - 19/21 - "Ayreon - The Human Equation (Covers).vol2+2.PAR2" yEnc (1/3) [par viewer] 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 759.4k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd2/2 FTD 202526 [10/14] - "cd2 05 - Day sixteen - Loser.mp3" yEnc (01/12) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 7.31m
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd2/2 FTD 202526 [12/14] - "cd2 07 - Day eighteen - Realization.mp3" yEnc (01/12) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 7.27m
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd2/2 FTD 202526 [06/14] - "cd2 01 - Day twelve - Trauma.mp3" yEnc (01/25) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 15.05m
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd2/2 FTD 202526 [07/14] - "cd2 02 - Day thirteen - Sign.mp3" yEnc (01/11) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 6.22m
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd1/2 FTD 202525 [07/16] - "cd1 02 - Day two - Isolation.mp3" yEnc (01/22) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 13.33m
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd2/2 FTD 202526 [01/14] - "00 - 2004 - Ayreon - The Human Equation.m3u" yEnc (1/1) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 391 B
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd2/2 FTD 202526 [04/14] - "CD2.PAR2" yEnc (1/1) [par viewer] 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 7.36k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd1/2 FTD 202525 [10/16] - "cd1 05 - Day five - Voices.mp3" yEnc (01/19) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 11.33m
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd1/2 FTD 202525 [13/16] - "cd1 08 - Day eight - School.mp3" yEnc (01/12) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 7.08m
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd1/2 FTD 202525 [14/16] - "cd1 09 - Day nine - Playground.mp3" yEnc (1/6) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 3.32m
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd1/2 FTD 202525 [12/16] - "cd1 07 - Day seven - Hope.mp3" yEnc (1/7) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 4.25m
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd1/2 FTD 202525 [08/16] - "cd1 03 - Day three - Pain.mp3" yEnc (01/13) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 7.5m
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd1/2 FTD 202525 [06/16] - "cd1 01 - Day one - Vigil.mp3" yEnc (1/4) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 2.19m
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd1/2 FTD 202525 [04/16] - "CD1.PAR2" yEnc (1/1) [par viewer] 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 7.95k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd1/2 FTD 202525 [01/16] - "00 - 2004 - Ayreon - The Human Equation.m3u" yEnc (1/1) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 414 B
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd1/2 FTD 202525 [05/16] - "CD1.vol0+1.PAR2" yEnc (1/1) [par viewer] 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 383.02k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd1/2 FTD 202525 [02/16] - "00 - 2004 - Ayreon - The Human Equation.nfo" yEnc (1/1) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 1.01k
Ayreon - The Human Equation 2004 cd1/2 FTD 202525 [03/16] - "00 - 2004 - Ayreon - The Human Equation.sfv" yEnc (1/1) 15-JUN-04 alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group 649 B


Bericht bewerkt (27-06-2004 16:50)
